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restore gaps
in your smile

Replace missing teeth
with implants.


what are implants?


Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support a dental prosthesis, such as a crown or denture. They are made of biocompatible materials, such as titanium, which fuse with the surrounding bone through a process called osseointegration, providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth.

Dental implants can improve both the appearance and function of a patient's smile and they're an excellent long-term solution. In dentistry, implants are considered one of the best alternatives for replacing the loss of a natural tooth.

how long does it take?


A typical implant placement procedure takes several months from start to finish. If there is an unhealthy natural tooth present, that tooth must first be removed. After extraction, the patient must typically wait between 3-6 months while the socket heals. Many patients are ready for implant placement 4 months after their extraction. Once the area is ready, the patient can then have their implant placed. After the implant surgery, another 3-6 months must pass while the implant heals and integrates with the bone (osseointegration). Once Dr. Borges determines the implant is ready, the patient can finally proceed to the final step of the implant process: implant restoration. This is when the implant can be prepared to receive its crown. Sometimes this process requires a second-stage implant surgery (a very small procedure where the implant is uncovered if the gum-line has completely enclosed it). At this point, the final restoration takes around a month's time, during which an impression or a scan is taken of the implant and a crown is prepared by a laboratory. Finally, the crown is attached to the implant.

what do i need to know?


Implants, like natural teeth, require care and maintenance. Although they are not susceptible to the same kinds of decay as natural teeth (cavities), they are susceptible to infection and to other issues, such as periodontal disease. In the same way that bone loss can lead to tooth loss, it can lead to implant loss. Likewise, there are lifestyle factors which can affect the success of implant placement, chief among them smoking. Smoking or vaping is extremely damaging to the mouth, and therefore to implants.

Determining if implants are right for you depends on many factors. A consultation with a dentist is the only way to know if you're a good fit for implants, but here are some factors which can exclude you from implant placement:

  1. Bone Loss: If your panoramic or CT-Scan reveals that your jawline does not have sufficient bone structure to support an implant.

  2. Low Sinuses: If your sinuses are too close to the site of the implant (this can be corrected, but it requires a sinus lifting surgery with a specialist).

  3. Smoking: If you smoke or vape heavily.

  4. Gum Disease: If you have severe or advanced periodontal disease.

pros and cons of dental implants


  1. Long-lasting solution: Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth that can last for many years, even a lifetime, with proper care.

  2. Prevents Volume Loss: Whenever a tooth is missing, that area of the jaw begins to lose structure. This is one of the reasons why older patients with complete dentures have collapsed lips, because over time as they lose their natural teeth, they began to lose bone volume. Implants prevent this from happening, and in doing so help maintain a more youthful appearance.

  3. Preserves Spacing: When a tooth is lost, the teeth around it begin to shift in an effort to fill in the empty space. An implant acts like a natural tooth, preserving the natural spacing of your teeth.

  4. Improved appearance: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing smile.

  5. Improved speech: Missing teeth can affect a person's speech, and dental implants can improve the clarity of speech by restoring the proper placement of the teeth and mouth.

  6. Improved oral health: Dental implants do not require adjacent teeth to be ground down like dental bridges, preserving the natural teeth and supporting better oral health overall.


  1. Cost: Dental implants can be more expensive than other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges.

  2. Surgical procedure: Dental implant placement involves a surgical procedure, which can be uncomfortable or even painful for some patients, and there may be a recovery period.

  3. Potential complications: In rare cases, dental implant surgery can cause complications such as infection, nerve damage, or bone loss.

  4. Time: The process of getting dental implants can take several months, including the healing process after surgery and the time required for the implant to fuse with the jawbone (osseointegration).

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